Spread some cheer this year and learn how to make and send handmade cards for seniors and nursing home residents!
So, the other day I was writing a post about making cards for troops and it got me thinking about other people in our society who can use some extra love. I started to wonder if there were ways to make cards for Seniors and nursing home residents. In fact, this really sent me down memory lane because my Grandma was in a nursing home for several years.
It just so happened that the graduate school that I ended up getting a TA position at was close to her nursing home and so subsequently, I spent more time with her in those few years than I probably ever had before. It was a blessing in disguise for both of us. I realize how lucky we are that my Grandma was reasonably happy in her situation, but I can easily see how it could also be very difficult for many nursing home residents, particularly those who don’t get a lot of visitors or those that have more difficult health problems.
In a way, isolation or loneliness is probably similar for our troops and for a lot of elderly nursing home residents. I think making and sending cards to troops is a common thing but I had never actually heard of making cards for Seniors.
Turns out, that’s a thing we can do too!
So, the good news is that I did all the preliminary work for you! Today I’m going to talk about how to make cards for Seniors, what they should say and where and when to send them to nursing homes! All you have to do is the fun crafty part and make those DIY holiday cards!
Ideas for generic feel-good messages to nursing home residents and Senior citizens include:
I said it once and I’ll say it again, choose a charity to send your DIY cards for troops to BEFORE you start making them and make sure you read their specific guidelines (including any due dates) before you start!
Also, you might consider contacting a local nursing home in your community, a simple phone call to the front desk will tell you whether you can donate your handmade cards to Seniors right in your own backyard! If not, take a look at the list of options below!
If you are interested in forming a more lasting and regular relationship with a Senior, consider signing up for Senior Angels where you could be assigned one dedicated Senior citizen that you would be responsible for contacting weekly!
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Welcome to Little Red Window! I’m Cassie, a professional craft and knitwear designer working in the field for more than 10 years. I have a degree in Art History from Northwestern University and a Master's Degree in Architecture and Design from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I've designed more than 300 separate knitting patterns, hundreds of craft projects, and I love to bring joy to your crafts and knitting with well-designed, easy to understand tutorials and patterns.
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