Applying for a home

Our housing information, advice and letting service, MyHousing, launched in November 2019.

It's fair, easy to use and offers a more personalised advice service to anyone looking for a home.

Visit our MyHousing website today at and click on 'Register'.

Our new Housing Information, Advice and Letting Policy

As part of our MyHousing service, we have a new Housing Information, Advice and Letting Policy.

Click on the links below to read the policy for each of our Registered Social Landlords:

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Latest news

Omolara Lasisi

Social housing tenants get free upcycled laptops thanks to Wheatley

Social housing tenants across Scotland are accessing quality laptops and tablets for free – thanks to a new IT recycling scheme.

Bucket list wish leads to mini music festival

A man diagnosed with terminal cancer has fulfilled one of final wishes – after a music festival was put on in his honour.

Merek, Aneta and Jakub outside their new home

New tenants move into £80m West Craigs development in Edinburgh

Tenants have started to move in to one of the largest affordable new-build developments in Scotland.

Making Homes and Lives Better

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Wheatley House
25 Cochrane Street
G1 1HL.

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Wheatley Housing Group Limited is a company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland under the Companies Acts. Company registration no. SC426094. Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator no. 363. Registered office: Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow, G1 1HL.