How to request an article publishing charge discount or waiver

We offer waivers and discounts on the article publishing charges (APCs), sometimes known as article publication fees.

APCs are required to publish in many full open access journals (Taylor & Francis Open or Routledge Open).

Continue reading this page for information on the criteria for discounts and waivers, and how to request one.

Vector illustration of a woman wearing a coral pink dress, standing in a doorway, facing a man wearing blue.

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Who can request an APC discount or waiver for open access articles?

Please note that changes made to the World Bank list of low-income economies each July, can take a short period of time to be reflected in our submission systems. You may find discrepancies until the beginning of August while the update work takes place. If you have a query, get in touch with us for advice.

Vector illustration of a man holding a giant blue key.

We are unable to accept payment from people and organizations in some countries where international banking restrictions apply.

Waivers and discounts are only available for submissions to full open access journals, and do not apply for submissions made to an Open Select (hybrid) journal. Our waiver policy only applies to corresponding authors.

Not sure whether the journal you’re about to send your work to is trustworthy?

The Think. Check. Submit. campaign helps authors to evaluate the trustworthiness of a journal or its publisher.

By using the simple checklist provided on the Think. Check. Submit. website authors can make an informed choice before sending their articles for review.

EIFL network countries

Corresponding authors with primary affiliations based in one of the 34 EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) network countries may be eligible for a 100% or 50% discount on the normal APC in a selection of our full open access journals.

Read more about our agreement with EIFL to find out if you’re eligible, and how to access the discount.

Requesting and applying an APC discount/waiver

Open access agreements

Authors can also benefit from reduced or fully prepaid APCs through our open access agreements. We partner with institutions and funders across the world to help researchers publish gold open access in their chosen journals.