
The Assessor's Office is responsible for an equitable assessment of real and personal property by estimating the fair market value and determining the classification of each parcel in Clay County for property tax purposes. Valuations and classifications must meet the standards established by Minnesota Statutes and the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Property valuations and classifications are made by state accredited and certified assessors from within the county office or by assessors hired by townships and cities.


Clay County maintains records and values on properties countywide except for properties within the city limits of Moorhead. Please contact the assessing division at the City of Moorhead for those records.

Property records can be found through the Property Search Tool.

Property sales can be viewed through the Property Sales Dashboard.

Basic Timeline of Assessment Cycle

The basic timeline of assessment cycle (PDF) lists the deadlines and duties that are performed by county staff and taxpayers as it relates to the annual property assessments.

Contact Us

If you have a comment or a question that you wish to have answered by the Clay County Assessor's Office, feel free contact County Assessor by calling 218-299-5017 or via email County Assessor.